Thursday, May 10, 2007

How Anchoring Can Lead You To Success

Have you ever wondered why Sports brand Nike pay sports stars millions of dollars to wear clothes brandishing the famous swish logo? They do it because they understand the power of anchoring.

Nike paid Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan millions of dollars to don the 'Nike' cap and apparel. Were they crazy?

No! They were aware that by having them put on the Nike equipment, consumers would associate 'Nike' with similar intense states of motivation and inspiration that is projected by these two famous sports personalities.

When people watched Jordan and felt incredible, they would see the Nike Swish. Sure enough, seeing the swish gave people great feelings and states of power, motivation and confidence which were anchored to the visual swish logo.

By using the power of anchoring, Nike has become the largest and most successful sports apparel company in the world. When Nike first started paying millions of dollars to sports stars, many of their competitors thought they were mad to waste so much money but at the end of the day it is Nike who is laughing all the way to the bank.

Don't get manipulated...create your own powerful anchors!

If advertisers spend millions of dollars to constantly anchor powerful states in you to their brands, isn't it time you took control and started creating powerful anchors for yourself?

Do you know how couples fall deeply in love? They get fantastic feelings of love anchored to a person's face and voice.

As time is spent together, anchors of all these great feelings start to be linked with their partner's face and voice. So, every time they think of each other, they feel wonderful!

Conversely, why do people often fall out of love after a while? It is because the positive anchors eventually collapse and are replaced with negative anchors.

When you are in a relationship, you are bound to have misunderstandings and unhappy moments. The danger comes when you see your partner's face while you are feeling these negative emotions.

After some time, those negative feelings of hurt and anger get linked to that person's face, voice and touch.

Over time, just thinking of that person brings up all those negative feelings. This is why many people, once so in love, reach a stage when they cannot see each other without getting upset and fighting. As a result, they eventually fall out of love and break up!

Anchoring is a process that we all are subjected to, all the time. We must understand the power of anchoring for two reasons.

The first is to install powerful anchors so that resourceful states can be accessed at any time we need to perform at our peak.

The second is to understand how negative anchors limit us. This way, we can collapse them and stop them from controlling us.

Once you understand how anchors can work to help you tap into your most resourceful states, you can use it to move you faster towards your goals!

So make use of the power of anchoring now to lead you to success.

To Your Success

Adam Khoo

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